Every day we sit down at the table of our lives. 24 hours tick by moment by moment and we decide what we’re going to feast on: the people we allow into our lives, the influences we let in, the voices we listen to, what we commit our energy to, and on the list goes.IMG_0779

When you wake up, are you intentional throughout your day about seeking God and listening to His voice or are you in reaction mode since the time the alarm goes off till it’s time to crawl under the covers again? Or do you see yourself as a steward of the resources God’s entrusted to you?  Do you recognize that every moment is a gift?


When you go through your day, how do you interact with the people around you? The ones who are sitting across from you in your day to day life:  family, friends, co-workers, roommates, significant others?  Is your conversation meaningful and edifying?  Or are you just “shooting the breeze” on a regular basis?  What would happen if you weren’t “at their table” anymore? Let’s say you got a new job or moved to a new house and your routine changed. How would they remember you?  What would they have learned from you or missed about you?

Let’s make an intentional effort today to be a blessing to those “sitting at our tables.”


What about dessert?  How do you reward yourself in life?  What are some ways you seek comfort or consolation for life’s daily stressors?  Are they healthy, productive, God-honoring incentives?  Are there any destructive outlets that you run to for solace?

Always remember:

The name of the Lord is a fortified tower;
the righteous run to it and are safe.

Proverbs 18:10, NIV